Demise of CAMit Aero Engines

The following open letter to the Jabiru fleet was received from Jabiru Aircraft PTY LTD staff on October 13, 2016, and details the impact of the recent closing of CAMit Aero Engines in Bundaberg, Australia.

Dear Jabiru Fleet,

Unfortunately, CAMit, who has been a prime supplier of Jabiru machined parts and who recently started making their own engine based on the Jabiru engine, are reported to have closed and receivers appointed.

We had been concerned for some time over the level of debt that the CAMit business carried and have done our best to support them with continuing orders despite the dramatic downturn in sporting aviation following the GFC, the appreciation of the Australian dollar and the significant increase in competition with the introduction of the LSA category aircraft. This is a very sad occurrence as we have always done our best to support Australian businesses.

Jabiru has always been structured to be able to withstand the wild swings in economic activity and demand for small sporting aircraft and engines that is the norm in the aviation business. We focus on innovative and cost effective design and manufacture using contracted suppliers who can deliver the quality needed for our engines and airframes and at a price that you can afford.

The demise of CAMit is a significant blow to the industry but we have adequate stock on hand to keep you flying and are working to quickly fill the gap in our parts supply chain from suitably qualified factories and suppliers.

We are continuing to develop the Jabiru engine to further enhance reliability, reduce maintenance and running costs and to continue to deliver an engine at an affordable price.

If you have any questions about your Jabiru engine or airframe please contact us.

Happy Landings,

Jabiru Team