LSA Owner Information

Important LSA Owner Responsibilities

Each owner/operator of an LSA shall read and comply with the maintenance and continued airworthiness information and instructions provided by the manufacturer. Failure to do so will impact the airworthiness of the aircraft. Read more.

J230-D General Information

COSM-2 Operating Safety Reporting Form - 23-Apr-2014

JTM001-4 J230-D Aircraft Service Manual - 08-May-2014


J230-D Air Safety Alerts, Service Bulletins, and Notifications

None issued.


J170-SP, J230-SP, and J250-SP General Information

JSA-501 Malfunction or Defect Report 1-Feb-2014

JSA-50HR-A1 25/50 Hour Inspection Checklist 16-May-2011

JSA-100HR-A1 100-Hour/Annual Inspection Checklist 16-May-2011

JSA-SM170SP-A1 J170-SP Aircraft Service Manual 14-Apr-2012

JSA-SM230SP-A2 J230-SP/J250-SP Aircraft Service Manual 14-Apr-2012

JSA-OMH230SP-B1 (S. 10) Jabiru J230-SP Flight Training Supplement 21-Feb-2011


Jabiru USA Air Safety Alerts (J170-SP, J230-SP, J250-SP)

None issued.


Jabiru USA Service Bulletins (J170-SP, J230-SP, J250-SP)

JSA-001-1 ELT Activation 27-Aug-2009

JSA-002-1 Propeller Hub Security Inspection 27-Aug-2009

JSA-003-1 Undercarriage Bolt Life 27-Aug-2009

JSA-004-1 Outer Wheel Pant Bracket 09-Oct-2009

JSA-005 Inner Wheel Pant Bracket 07-Oct-2010

JSA-006 Auto Fuel Advisory 21-Feb-2011

JSA-007-1 Jabiru Engine Through Bolts/Base Nuts 14-Apr-2014

JSA-008 J170-SP Handling Upgrade 01-Dec-2011

JSA-009 Distributor Rotor Installation 03-Aug-2012


Jabiru USA Notifications (J170-SP, J230-SP, J250-SP)

JSA-N001-1 Starter Ground Cable 27-Aug-2009


Approved Maintenance Providers for Jabiru Light-Sport Aircraft

The following shops have demonstrated experience with Jabiru aircraft and engines and are recommended by Jabiru USA for general maintenance. Note that according to the FAA and ASTM standards, all repairs and upgrades to Jabiru Special Light-Sport Aircraft that are not specifically listed in the Aircraft Service Manual must be referred to Jabiru USA for approval. Failure to do so may void the airworthiness certificate.

Sport Aircraft Services, LLC
Ben Krotje, A&P
Shelbyville, TN (Shelbyville Municipal Airport, KSYI)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (931) 680-2800

Jabiru Power Solutions, LLC
Dave Jalanti, LSA Repairman-Maintenance
Hudson, NY (Kline Kill Airport, NY1)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (518) 851-2095

US Sport Planes
Scott Severen, A&P
Denton, TX (KDTO)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (940) 597-6860

Hummingbird Aviation
Chris Cooper
Minneapolis, MN (KFCM)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (952) 944-2628

Special Note: Mechanical Management Solutions (Randy Wier) of Evansville, Indiana is NOT an authorized maintenance provider for aircraft manufactured by Jabiru USA Sport Aircraft or Jabiru Aircraft PTY LTD.